Human Biology & BioImaging
Latest Publications:
Arroyo M, Casas-Delucchi CS, Pabba MK, Prorok P, Pradhan SK, Rausch C, Lehmkuhl A, Maiser A, Buschbeck M, Pasque V, Bernstein E, Luck K and Cardoso MC (2024). Histone variant macroH2A1 regulates synchronous firing of replication origins in the inactive X chromosome. Nucleic Acids Res., 2024 Aug 27, gkae734. (Epub ahead of print). PubMed
Solovei I and Mirny L (2024). Spandrels of the cell nucleus. Curr Opin Cell Biol., 90, 102421. (Epub ahead of print). PubMed
Steinek C, Guirao-Ortiz M, Stumberger G, Tölke AJ, Hörl D, Carell T, Harz H and Leonhardt H (2024). Generation of densely labeled oligonucleotides for the detection of small genomic elements. Cell Rep Methods, 4, 100840. PubMed
Weichenhan D, Riedel A, Sollier E, Toprak UH, Hey J, Breuer KH, Wierzbinska JA, Touzart A, Lutsik P, Bähr M, Östlund A, Nilsson T, Jacobsson S, Waraky A, Behrens YL, Göhring G, Schlegelberger B, Steinek C, Harz H, Leonhardt H, Dolnik A, Reinhardt D, Bullinger L, Palmqvist L, Lipka DB and Plass C (2024). Altered enhancer-promoter interaction leads to MNX1 expression in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia with t(7;12)(q36;p13). Blood Adv., 2024 Aug 9 (Epub ahead of print). PubMed
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